GOLLIS University Main Campus was formed in 2005 in Hargeisa, Somaliland. The idea was later transferred to Burao City, Togdheer region in the year 2010. Gollis University, Burao Campus was first introduced with several Courses underway including Bachelor of Science in Public Health, Bachelor of Management Science and Information Technology, Bachelor of Arts in Languages, Bachelor of Science in Engineering and Bachelor of Information and Computer Technology. Gollis University operates on a semester system based on Credit hours with the duration of a Bachelors Program being 4 years.

Vision For The Future

T o be a leading world class university in the horn of Africa, producing professional leaders committed to making a positive difference for society and mankind.


Mission Statement Our mission is to provide quality education, training, research and promote excellence in scholarship, service, innovation and creativity for the transformation of our society and to suit the needs of challenging and rapidly changing the globe.


Values Towards achieving its Vision and fulfilling its Mission, the Gollis University subscribes to the following Values : 1. Academic excellence by ensuring that the pursuit of academic excellence in teaching, research and service to the public is well recognised and forms an important part of the academic and organisational life of the institution. 2. Academic integrity by ensuring that all the academic outputs are produced in line with international standards of academic integrity. 3. Academic freedom by upholding the spirit of free and critical thought and enquiry, through the tolerance of a diversity of beliefs and understanding, as well as fostering open exchange of ideas and knowledge amongst the staff and/or students..